today, we did beansprout's first easter egg hunt. it was a lot of fun. i'll post pics once i find the connector for my camera. yesterday, we went to the zoo. elephants are her favorite animals. although, one of them was really noisy and she didn't like that so much. it was a bit cold, but she was a trooper. in the afternoon, we went and visited gigi and pop-pop where more running around ensued. she seems to be a bit shy these days which is hopefully just a phase. i think if she lived up here and had constant exposure to family, then this wouldn't be as prevalent. all i can do is cross my fingers and hope.
happy passover and easter. i think i'm done with matzoh sandwiches for lunch. only one week a year! had a fun, make-shift seder on tuesday courtesy of strawberry who provided parsley in a tube (i never knew such a thing existed), horseradish cream (that's all she could find), and we used a chicken wing from the roasted chicken in place of the shankbone. there was plenty of wine and i colored it all by butchering an on-line haggadah to wend us through this happy, if not peculiar, homey little ceremony.