so, yesterday took off unexpectedly. i was enjoying my first weekend day here in the area since moving by trying to be as slovenly slothful as possible. i slept in until 9 (getting past 6/7am is hard for me) and was nicely wasting the day away saving hyrule (zelda! the new one is the best yet) when some friends had two tickets to a taste of adams morgan smithsonian tour that was starting in 30 minutes. showered off the offal of the morning and drove to dc. got lost. parked in a diplomatic community and sprinted to the tour 10 minutes late. found them and was good to go. so there i was by myself with twenty 60 something's in various groups and couple assortments. the tour guide was very knowledgeable and it was pretty cool to learn about the area. toys r' us got its start there. neat. first restaurant was the Ghana Cafe where we ate

Ghananian... Ghananese... um, food from Ghana. it was rice, beans, and unidentified meats in sauce. not bad. tried the beer (21 oz bottles) which was made with maize and it was pretty good. then, to an Ethiopian restaurant, Meskerem. ironically, the only restaurant that i'd even eaten at there. best stop on the tour. typical group meal with injera (ethiopian "bread") and tej (honey wine). i highly recommend this place. next stop, a bar named felix (after the cia agent in james bond). not so good. some pita bread and pasta salad plus a glass of wine? last stop was a "spanish" restaurant, churreria (i don't remember how it was spelled) madrid; i put spanish in quotes because it didn't seem very spanish. the food was mediocre and was a poor selection, but the churros were good, and oh yeah, the sangria was very good (hmm, 4 restaurants, 4 drinks....) the
old people were all friendly during the tour, particularly by the end where we may have been a little soused. had 2 sangria's in fact. had to sidestep some of the politics that this one lady who teaches middle school on capitol hill seemed to want to get into. and to complement her was the lady to my left who had home-schooled her children for three years and was now a historical interpreter. both had a lot of energy. which reminds me of this other older gentleman who followed me around for about 20 minutes prattling on about the companies in the area. i think there was definitely a grandson feeling going on there.
upon leaving, i called up a friend thad i had been trying to get in touch with to see if they were doing okay. they had been sick a few weeks ago. great to touch base, but it felt off. got in the car to find my way back home and there were a few blocks cordoned off by police. drove around and stopped at the red light. to my left is the capitol hilton. then, right in front of my these three black tahoes with the requisite faux police lighting drive by and guess who's in the back of the middle one? the bush's. made it back home without further incident.
i'd post pics from the trip, but i don't have my usb cable to download from my camera. :(