Friday, August 25, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Reuters Photographer Doctored Photographs

For those of you not in the know, this Lebanese photographer added the smoke (notice how the plumes look very similar and made the buildings look more "destroyed" than they were.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
a good night's sleep
Monday, August 07, 2006
Around the world in 15 seconds
As we continue to abstract our environment with replacements for reality, we are creating a void that drives loneliness in our culture. The phone, email, instant messaging, text messaging, or blogging ;) does not replace our need for human connection. Nothing can replace the benefits of another person's touch as they rest their hand on your arm or their smile in response to a comment or their actual voice in a conversation. Not to mention a good ol' fashioned long hug! Don't forget the reason you're human-- it's easy to lose sight of that in this fast-paced world. Don't be afraid to reach out to someone else if you see they need it.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I don't love you much do I
I don’t love you much do I
Just more than human tongue can tell and that's all
I don’t love you much do I
Remember how I kissed you in the hall
See how it sparkles in my eyes
I couldn’t hide it if I tried- that’s right
I don’t love you much do I
Just more than anything else in this whole world
I don’t love you much do I
Just more than all the stars in the sky
I don’t love you much do I
I think you hung the moon and that’s alright
I don’t love you much do I
You can feel it all the way across the room
I don’t love you much do I
Like the spring doesn’t make the flowers bloom
I don’t love you much do I
I'd follow you to hell and back again
I don’t love you much do I
Just watch me light up when you walk in
another screw up
on another note, i try not to be biased, but i really don't understand the anti-israel sentiment with respect to what is happening in lebanon. the crux of the argument seems to revolve around the fact that israel's response has been disproportionate to hezbollah's. so, hezbollah attacked and kidnapped several soldiers. israel mounted a military campaign that has displaced and killed civilians in retaliation. hezbollah launches 100-200 rockets a day at israeli cities with indiscriminate intent. the difference, i don't think the israeli military is hiding in civilian areas. and guess what, a pseudo-official paramilitary force with political representation that attacks another country, that's called war. and guess what happens in war, some people are accidentally killed-- does anybody really believe that the IDF would kill UN forces intentionally? there is absolutely no benefit. however, it does seem very likely that with the confusion of military operations that it might happen by accident. look at us, we accidentally bombed the chinese embassy in bosnia and we weren't engaged in a high-level conflict; we just made a mistake. as for the civilians being displaced, what do you expect? you're attacking a country, how else do you propose you implement your objectives? they're fighting an enemy that has used the red cross and crescent to transport weapons and soldiers-- are you surprised they're paranoid about vetting the aid supplies? incidentally, i don't recall the israeli mission being to "kill all arabs and eradicate lebanon", whereas, ironically enough, isn't hezbollah's mission the "destruction of the jewish/zionist state"? hmm... i know i have always found a way to reason with genocide. it's very easy to get swept up in this che guevara populist feeling, but the reality is that i think one side really just wants to be left alone, something that hasn't happened since 1948.
i have no idea what the heck that means. it took me a few minutes after i woke up to put it back together. i did watch desperado and once upon a time in mexico, so it's quite possible that had some influence. as i wrote this, the number 4 seemed to have strong significance, but i don't know why. i used to have very vivid and lucid dreams all of the time, but not much lately. of course, i haven't been sleeping well in quite a while either.
i think this is what the lady looked like:
Labels: dream
Saturday, August 05, 2006
"George Bush announcing the deployment of more than 2000 American troops to the afterlife in the hopes of preventing Fidel Castro from destroying Heaven with communism, a ridiculously high literacy rate and universal healthcare."
cuba’s literacy rate: 97% (2003 est); US literacy rate 99% (2003 est.) ever seen what universal healthcare looks like? in the UK, it takes 3-4 months to schedule serious surgery. and as if the stereotype isn’t funny enough, ever look at the teeth of anyone in universal healthcare? UK, Japan, etc. I think most people would agree that anything the government administers will be at a reduced efficiency, why should healthcare not suffer from this maxim as well?
as for baghdad, we’re committed, we’re stuck. anybody have a suggestion that won’t have some negative result? we leave, the place collapses; we stay, more soldiers die.
sometimes, you let the history go. rationale does not bear much relevance at this point. we're in, people are going to die, and which way forward will prevent the most death while protecting our interests. it sucks, but that's realpolitik and real life.done!
real love
still stuck
what now. what should i do.
today is recent roommate'sbirthday (need to come up with a better nickname). don't know where he is, but hope he's having fun.
off the ledge
So I took my seatbelt off to go
Through the windshield.
I hope this will cleanse me before the end.
To shed blood, tears, and vomit
And thus be annealed.
While I lay there on an empty road,
I pray that aliens take me.
They'd take me away in their cold ship
To probe and dissect
and extract what I feel.
Labels: poem
Let down
With my tears
My heart pounds
It's beautiful
So it had to break.
I broke.
i'm ugly
with no god to forsake.
Take it,
It's no use broken.
Labels: poem