It's funny because I stumbled upon this at a website a few days ago. It seemed almost surreal to think that this can occur. Perhaps I'm naive, but I generally trust the media. Some of it is hogwash, some of it is pure trash opinion, but overall, it balances out to be fairly reliable. I assume that this is more of an aberration than the norm, but it is still frightening.
For those of you not in the know, this Lebanese photographer added the smoke (notice how the plumes look very similar and made the buildings look more "destroyed" than they were.
http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/08/07/reuters.photog.reut/index.html --brio
thinking of your payment to the freedom of this country, haven't said it in a while, but thank you and I am proud of you, keep trucking along and this will be a memory, one of those you don't talk about, because noone can get it right with words, it's the feeling that surges when you come to it in your mind-cloudy, wondering why I can't take that good advice and use the ear possess-to fix it.....fix it? Who can fix it?
you know who?
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