Thursday, July 31, 2008


i have a really bad headache. i guess it's just sympathy pains from the other parts of my body for my heart. we never know what path lies before us. as weary as our feet may feel, the path will be walked and it will go somewhere. it's harder to see what that will look like when you were just holding someone else's hand for the past few miles. you get up from your rest at the side of the road or when you turn at a fork, and suddenly it's just you. maybe you can even see them still walking off into the distance. you hope wherever they're going that they'll walk a happy path.

but, tonight i'm walking no further. i'm standing still, watching her walk another path until her yellow hair dips over the horizon like the setting sun. good night.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

half a ticket

it's not unconventional, if it's all been done before,
but denial leaves belief cold shut outside the theater door.
blame's blanket cloaks warmly like your mother taught
to keep a lonely heart on revue with distracted thought.
fear keeps poor company with empty seats of the past
and squanders the spot light of both audience and cast.
angry applause remembered like roses thrown on stage
waited for an encore before erupting in disgust and rage.
