Friday, November 30, 2007

seussian restraints

what good is could
if it should
or can't or won't
unless you don't
because of the one,
the only "some day" one.
so say good bye
and sigh
and cry.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

black lullaby

Sing me a lullaby
And watch me close my eyes
That will never open again.
You could have chosen any
Words, but those.
Sing another song for yesterday-
Another song for you.


naked soliloquy

I can’t scream out the pain
clenched, coiling chain.
And no matter how fast I run,
I’m not faster than pain;
sickly, sinking shame.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

you believed in something else

laptop stolen out of my house.
personal info.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

5000 hits

Congratulations to:

magnify this user (Lasalle University)

New Jersey, United States

You are my 5000th hit!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

looking up at the tree

The mind unfettered
throws the seeds to Earth:

chewing gauntlets of husks,

beneath a growing dusk,

that deign dig their way free.

Do you see what I see?

Or, is text in context all you believe?

Our blood pulses with purpose

even bound by tourniquet,

roots seek soil anomalous

with our smiles of academic etiquette.
