Sunday, May 20, 2007

the evening after

the evening after the heady rush
is a mourning dark before pink blush,
but until then lies cold and prickly
while our dreams feel cold and sickly.
these loose covers stifle and prolong night
when you're lying lonely with no sight.
where wont is want and wonder wrong;
happily, hopefully will we find our song.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

suddenly forgetful

  • i forgot to pay my credit card. first time that has ever happened.
  • i forgot a chiro appointment. also a first.
  • i keep forgetting to schedule a massage therapy appointment-- it's been over 3 weeks now.
  • i am repeatedly late to my chiro appointments.
  • i've missed several meetings at work because i forget. in this area, i have also double-booked myself repeatedly. to be fair, i have to juggle 2 calendars on 2 different networks over 3 computers.
  • i have been late picking up llama from the metro. i used to be everywhere 5-10 minutes early.
  • i keep losing track of time. i'll remember something, "quick" do something else, and then it's 1/2 an hour later.

i need a break.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

wow, the question is why. why is cheating so rampant. it's everywhere though. we're taught to cut corners and collaborate to get more done with less. and, what's the ethical stopping point? what should it be? what really is being compromised? hmm.

coddling vs scaffolding

at work, i speak endlessly (i could just end the sentence there) about the need to build "scaffolding" for personnel. if we're going to implement a change and set a new standard, then we need to educate them on the new standard, expectations, and requirements for getting the work done. i have no problem with that (obviously not, i keep mouthing off about it). i will spend as much time as i can to set everyone up for success. but, damn if i don't expect them to meet me half-way and do their parts. today's briefing (just a regular weekly status briefing) was the culmination of 2 weeks of work with a quality manager to help him present appropriate information to the customer. it was sparked by the biggest choke in human history at the meeting 2 wks ago. so, numerous emails, phone calls, and 3 meetings totaling several hours later, his "performance" today made it look like we had done nothing. i got to spend over 3 hours afterward in autopsy ending with getting chewed out by the customer for over an hour. how hard is this:

quality control = x/y out of z.
- x = standard deviations
- y = number of inspected items
- z = total received items

that's it. it's done in 4 different areas, but that's it. rocket science? i can't believe this is my job and i look like the second coming illustrating this principle. and oh yeah, i've been doing quality for all of, what, a day? jeez. i just can't believe how much effort i've put into this guy and we would've been better served by a 2nd grader. oh well, hello new guy that i just hired, guess what, now you're a QA Mgr. take it over, supervise, and make it go away. far, far away.

that is all. sigh.