at work, i speak endlessly (i could just end the sentence there) about the need to build "scaffolding" for personnel. if we're going to implement a change and set a new standard, then we need to educate them on the new standard, expectations, and requirements for getting the work done. i have no problem with that (obviously not, i keep mouthing off about it). i will spend as much time as i can to set everyone up for success. but, damn if i don't expect them to meet me half-way and do their parts. today's briefing (just a regular weekly status briefing) was the culmination of 2 weeks of work with a quality manager to help him present appropriate information to the customer. it was sparked by the biggest choke in human history at the meeting 2 wks ago. so, numerous emails, phone calls, and 3 meetings totaling several hours later, his "performance" today made it look like we had done nothing. i got to spend over 3 hours afterward in autopsy ending with getting chewed out by the customer for over an hour. how hard is this:
quality control = x/y out of z.
- x = standard deviations
- y = number of inspected items
- z = total received items
that's it. it's done in 4 different areas, but that's it. rocket science? i can't believe this is my job and i look like the second coming illustrating this principle. and oh yeah, i've been doing quality for all of, what, a day? jeez. i just can't believe how much effort i've put into this guy and we would've been better served by a 2nd grader. oh well, hello new guy that i just hired, guess what, now you're a QA Mgr. take it over, supervise, and make it go away. far, far away.
that is all. sigh.