Saturday, November 18, 2006

pirate festival

wow, this is my 300th post. not bad for less than a year.

we had sooooooo much fun today. we went to the pirate festival here in clearwater. it's the same as a renaissance festival, but without wizards. secret: while i've always scoffed at the dorks wearing elaborate costumes, it is jealousy rearing its ugly head that i don't have my own "cool" costume and a hot chick on my arm dressed up in one of those leather bustier's with knee-high boots. mmm. but, i digress. oh, i finally ate a turkey leg. i know, i'm 28, and i've never eaten a smoked turkey leg. well, another box is checked in my exciting life. beansprout had a great time with one of her little buddies, jack sparrow. pics will be posted. and wow, i'm tired.


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