Sunday, March 05, 2006

thoughts on religion

i've always been a little uncomfortable with places of worship. you go through the motions, various calisthenics of genuflection and rite, say this, say that, a few minutes of packaged pondering, and then out the doors. that's what i love about shabbat dinner and the special meal celebrations. it's just family and friends. it's within the spirit and bond of your home. you follow some ritual, but it can't help but be intensely personal (i make an effort to make it more ecumenical and inclusive for visiting friends) because it's such a small, intimate crowd that you really will touch them. plus, what could be more spiritual than a meal? it's one of the most basic elements of humanity. the spirituality is not forced upon you, but rather consumed and digested to feed the soul as the food and drink feed the body. i can't think of a better way to celebrate life and spirituality when it is done properly. the idea of going to a third party just seems strange to me. i understand and appreciate that this does not appeal to everyone and that some people very much enjoy the feeling of greater community and structure.


Blogger Adagio said...

(3rd time lucky, mehopes)

greetings brio

i found your unfamiliar footprints in the mud. always a treat. and you've linked to my blog. i'm flattered. truly.

i enjoyed your 'thoughts on religion' post. absolutely, the sharing of food with friends/family, the essential act of communion.

keep writing brio

07 March, 2006 19:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is completely the opposite of what you told me two weeks ago, sb

08 March, 2006 12:04  

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