Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Holy Cow, Option D!

I need to correct my earlier post. I had thought there were only 3 options in response to the political cartoons published in the Jyllands-Posten; there is now a fourth option available that is being exercised in Iran. Hamshahri is launching a contest on 13 Feb that will "see how open the West was to caricatures of the Holocaust". It is difficult to glean a lot of information on this because very little of the newspaper is translated into english. Essentially, it appears that they would like to test the limits of free speech. Assuming it is the most vile, antisemitic bile, I am willing to place a bet or two that no such equivalent violence erupts. I wonder why... Either way, it is a far superior response than option c, although it is very similar to option b, I might have to consider this just a subset of that category. It should be good fun, if I can track down a copy of these cartoons, I shall post them here. I wonder if they've ever seen some of the avante garde performance art that is schlocked around these days, they might not feel that they are so cutting edge after all:

Hermann Nitsch
Nitsch is an Austrian performance artist who uses blood, intestines and ritual animal slaughter in his works of art, or 'actions'. His use of live animals, as well as extensive representation of crucifixion and other Christian symbols, makes his work extremely controversial.

On second thought, I will just link to the picture instead of marring my blog with this kind of thing(I assume no further warning is needed).


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