Another quiz

This time, politics! I took a quiz courtesy Advocates for Self Government to see where I fit on a 2-D political map of ideologies. I am a Centrist. How enlightening.
This one had me a little more north in

centrist courtesy of I have no idea.
I think this shows my variety of opinions within the realm of politics that may appear contradictory or wide-ranging within this context, but follows my personal coherent philosophy. I am generally conservative in my economic beliefs, but am very liberal in my social beliefs. This reflects my belief in the innate goodness of the individual (there are limits and exceptions, I am not naive). However, many individuals constitute a group (very profound, huh), and groups do not get this benefit of the doubt. Economically, deregulation and free trade are generally the best way to go. In apparent contradiction, market conditions (group economic dynamics) will be the best regulator with minor (very minor) government involvement (prevent monopolies, environmental considerations). Not sure why I started all of this in the first place; I dislike categorizing my views since each issue needs to be weighed on its own merits. Only politicians with agendas identify strongly with a belief because it's easier to pander, argue, and well, be political-- it's not complicated by actually solving problems. =)
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