something good
I feel that I should make an effort to balance these posts out with definite good things that we can all appreciate:
- Girl Scout cookies - I was disappointed when some gummy candy showed up this year, but supposedly the cookies will be forthcoming in February. Thank God. Hey, check out the popularity of the different cookies. I'm a Samoa fan-- chocolate and coconut, there is no better combination in life.
- 25% Thin Mints
- 19% Samoas®/Caramel deLites™
- 13% Peanut Butter Patties®/Tagalongs®
- 11% Peanut Butter Sandwich/Do-si-dos™
- 9% Shortbread/Trefoils
- A First kiss - nothing can bring a warm, fuzzy sensation from your toes to the top of your head like this memory (and the actual event). Two people (when the number goes up, then it's not warm and fuzzy, when it goes down, well, that's just sad) finally connecting in mutual surrender to their core feelings.
- Ipod - hours upon hours of my favorite radio station (my music) at my behest. Steve Jobs, I take back everything I said from my geek days in the 90's. What an absolutely gorgeously designed and engineered device. You hold one of these in your hand and you just know that humanity can overcome any obstacle through sheer genius and willpower.
Or Martha Stewart? LOL
Oh yeah.. I also have 2 boxes thin mints in the freezer. In all honesty, I am more of a caramel delites fan - which is why I dont have any of those still around. :)
I didn't say that I appreciated a home-knit tea doily made of leftover messopotamian cashmere from 13th century shepherd techniques.
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