silly signposts sliding slowly by
It's insidious-- our slide into a vacant, vapid state of affairs as a species. It strikes me as ironic that this can only be considered relative to our potential. You could never accuse a marsupial (kangaroo or otherwise) of inane behavior. It's explained through instinct, reactive actions to immediate physical stimuli, or an innocent playful nature. Our intelligence allows us the conceit to describe them as such.
Okay, so what inspired this silly little tangent? Well, Itunes offered a free download courtesy of Miss Jaguar Wright. These wonderful lyrics leapt out of their 30 seconds of preview fame:
"When trouble smells like chronic,
Umm... well, thank you for that contribution. Where are the flashing lights that let us know which way we're going? Let me see if I can find a few real quick...
A) Going to hell in a handbasket (or at least shopping in Walmart). Mmm... consumer avarice gone awry. Very American.
B) What alternate moral universe do we think we live in? As a former Army officer, this one just kicks me in the stomach.
C) Hey, why not? Let's move
All's well, that ends well. =) We'll get through this. Paint it black, then think it white.
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